International religionsforsker gæster Aarhus Universitet


Faculty of Theology

Theme 3: Religion, politics and law

YOU ARE HERE: Theme 3 » Events » Spring 2006 programme » Visiting Professor, Dr. Philip Jenkins

Visiting Professor, Dr. Philip Jenkins

Seminar by the recognised scholar in religion and theology Professor Dr. Philip Jenkins, Pennsylvania State University, USA.

Time: 8 May 2006

Place: Room "Mødelokale 2", Building 1421, Conference Centre, University of Aarhus, Frederik Nielsens Vej


10.00-12.00h: The future of Christianity; Christianity in the future.

13.00-15.00h: Seminar: The Bible read as sacred text in the Global South

Everybody is welcome. Free entrance.

For further information, please contact Professor Viggo Mortensen, phone:+45 8942 2311, e-mail:

The research priority area " Religion and Normativity " is one out of six research areas which the University of Aarhus has given special priority  for the coming years. "Religion and normativity" covers a number of research projects divided into three themes:

Theme 1: The discursive fight over religious texts in Antiquity, Theme 2: Bible and literature - reception and transformation, and Theme 3: Religion, politics and law.

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Revised 2010.03.04