Programme spring 2008


Det Teologiske Fakultet

Tema 3: Religion, politik og ret

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Arrangementer - foråret 2008

Program over arrangementer - Tema 3: Religion, politik og ret

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Marts 2008

Tid: fredag d . 7. marts kl. 9.30, afsluttende med en reception kl. 16.00

Sted: Aud. 2, bygn. 1441

Offentlig konference

Titel: ”Protestantism and Politics”

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Maj 2008

Tid: onsdag d. 14. -   fredag d. 16. maj

Sted: Aarhus Universitet, Det Teologiske Fakultet, Bygning 1441, Tåsingegade 3, 8000 Aarhus C.

International konference

Konference med titlen: "Religion in the Public Sphere".

Globally, religious traditions and faith communities have gained new political importance. Religion, politics, and law play an important role in the formation of new and old nation-states. Religious revivalism challenges secular opponents and the liberal idea of religion as a private matter.

The conference will provide a space to analyze and discuss the new role of religion in the public sphere when it comes to religion, politics and law.

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Revideret 28.07.2010